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Harveian Oration 2024: Professor Avan Aihie Sayer
Professor Avan Aihie Sayer will deliver the Oration titled 'From bench to bedside and beyond: new horizons for translational ageing research'.
Non-members: free

Samuel Gee lecture 2024: A new era in Alzheimer's disease - translating hope into impact
Professor Catherine Mummery will deliver the 2024 Samuel Gee lecture.

Linacre lecture 2024
Dr Nicholas Evans is delivering the 2024 Linacre lecture, discussing advances in stroke medicine.

Milroy lecture: why can't we learn from our mistakes
Dr Barry Monk delivered the 2023 Milroy lecture, why can't we learn from our mistakes.
Non-members: Free

Harveian Oration 2023: Sir Patrick Vallance
Sir Patrick Vallance will discuss the importance of integration – some observations from the clinic, academia, industry and government.
Non-members: free

FitzPatrick lecture 2023
Professor Helen Lachmann is delivering the 2023 FitzPatrick lecture, reflecting on 170 years of amyloid.

Samuel Gee lecture 2023

Linacre lecture 2022: humanity’s first chance – understanding what pandemic infection can do to the human brain
Dr Benedict Michael will discuss humanity’s first chance to understand what pandemic infection can do to the human brain.

Croonian lecture 2022: skin of many colours
Dr Piu Banerjee will discuss dermatology and diversity.

Harveian Oration 2022: pandemic HIV and its legacy for medicine and global health
Professor Dame Anne Johnson will discuss pandemic HIV and its legacy for medicine and global health.